Tue 17 Feb 2009
from News & Star, Monday, 16 February 2009
It looks as though the bosses at Sellafield have some serious detection work on their hands. It seems that they are not exactly sure what is buried at the Drigg waste dump, near Sellafield.
The records are not extensive enough.
Management at the Low Level Waste Repository (LLWR) have taken out an advert calling for ex-employees who may have been involved in disposing radioactive material over the past 30 years to get in touch. Dick Razz, LLWR’s managing director – the new operators of the facility – says they are merely being thorough and want to “combat some of the mythology and folklore that surrounds us here�.
Environmental pressure group Cumbrians Opposed to a Radioactive Environment says debris from the US Three Mile Island reactor accident and from the Chernobyl disaster is buried at the site. It seems the new bosses cannot say for sure that these claims are untrue.
They have to understand is that by issuing such appeals, they will fuel the fears of many living in the area and strengthen this ‘folklore’.