Tue 22 Mar 2011
Rabbitte wants Sellafield included in forthcoming EU stress tests
Posted by Brian Greene under newsNo Comments
ARTHUR BEESLEY, European Correspondent
THE GOVERNMENT wants forthcoming stress tests on EU nuclear installations to include the Sellafield reprocessing plant in Cumbria, Minister for Energy Pat Rabbitte has said.
At a special meeting to discuss the Fukushima nuclear emergency and the turmoil in the Arab world, the EU agreed yesterday that Europe’s 143 reactors should be subject to new safety standards.
Mr Rabbitte told reporters as the meeting broke up that the Government did not detect any resistance by London to the inclusion of Sellafield. “The Irish Government wishes that the stress tests that are going on will include Sellafield,� he said. “I have no reason to believe that there will be resistance. There’s no evidence to that effect.�
via irishtimes.comand
via http://www.nuclearcounterfeit.com/?p=8994 “Europe should realize that it doesn’t take a major earthquake to cause a cooling-related nuclear crisis -about half Europe’s reactors are of particular concern,� said Greenpeace EU nuclear policy adviser Jan Haverkamp. “It remains to be seen whether the stress tests being talked about for nuclear plants will be more than a fig leaf for business-as-usual.�